About Limitless Conference
Limitless is an annual conference where we celebrate the goodness of God and enjoy His presence through uplifting worship and thanksgiving. Since October 2018, the conference has become a great time to hear God’s word from special guest ministers from different parts of the world. It's also a time to celebrate His faithfulness over the past 5 years of the Favour House Church’s inauguration. This year the theme of the conference is ‘Limitless Worship’ and Flow Church Worship Team will be ministering.

Great Worship Experience

Heart-to-heart Q&A Session

Ministrations & Refreshments
Venue, Direction & Parking
Favour House Church:
Venue: The Canterbury Primary School, City View, Franklyn Rd, Canterbury CT2 8PT
Directions: The Canterbury Primary school is located behind the Canterbury Academy (not to be confused with the academy venue). From the roundabout drive straight past the Academy, turn left, and then another left into City View. Drive through the small gate into The Canterbury Primary School venue. (Please mind the 5-mile-an-hour road bumpers)
Car Park: We have many free parking spaces inside the school premises and disabled access to the church hall.